Statements of Support
We are grateful to those who stand with us in the fight for patient rights in Kansas.
The Libertarian Party of Kansas
Kansas Safe Access Act
The Libertarian Party of Kansas (LPKS) fully supports and endorses the passage of The Kansas Safe Access Act.
This bill would allow the legal use of Cannabis, and products derived from Cannabis, for medicinal use. It would also create a licensing system similar to those in the States that have already established a legal, medical cannabis industry which includes over half of all the States
This is a smart, strong, common sense step in the right direction. This bill not only removes a barrier between between patients and medical professionals, it provides much needed revenue to the state of Kansas.
The Executive Committee of the Libertarian Party of Kansas
Kansas Green Party
Kansas Safe Access Act
The Kansas Green Party (KSGP) fully supports everything Bleeding Kansas is working on, and as well, we endorse the passage of their bill; The Kansas Safe Access Act. This bill stands to be the most progressive bill for legal cannabis to date. This bill would allow the legal use of Cannabis, and products derived from Cannabis, for medicinal use. It would also create a licensing system similar to those in the States that have already established a legal, medical cannabis industry which includes over half of all the States.
These advocates have taken time and looked at what other States are doing to ensure that Kansas has the best policies to ensure patients are supported in Kansas.This is a well thought out, bold, common sense step in the right direction. This bill not only removes a barrier between patients and medical professionals, but it also provides much-needed revenue to the state of Kansas. As many Greens and Kansans are in need of this vital Bill, we hope that you will support them as well.